
Bethel Lutheran Church, 5232 Irvine Avenue NW, Bemidji, has joined the North American Lutheran Church after disaffiliating from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Bethel Lutheran, founded over one hundred years ago -- in 1908-- was first a member of the Augustana Lutheran Church, which later became a part of the Lutheran Church of America, which then became part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America twenty five years ago. The North American Lutheran Church was founded in 2010, and now counts more than 100,000 members nationwide. Divided into twenty mission districts, usually based on geographical groupings of congregations, the NALC districts are headed by regional deans. These deans, who help provide oversight and pastoral care to pastors and congregations within their mission districts, may also serve as pastors of local congregations. Bethel is the newest member of the Minkota mission district of the NALC. Bethel Lutheran Church looks forward to its participation in the NALC, which is committed to shaping its life around four attributes: being Christ-centered, mission-driven, traditionally grounded and congregationally focused. Everyone is invited to worship at Bethel on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m.

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