
Welcome to Scenic Rivers Health Services. Scenic Rivers Health Services has been keeping northern Minnesota healthy since 1979. Our focus is providing quality primary care. We live, work and play in the communities we serve – Our patients are our family friends and neighbors! Our mission is to provide medical, dental and behavioral health services in a remote, rural area of northern Minnesota. We recognize that our patients are the reason we are here, and we know it’s our job to keep our rural communities healthy. Thank you for your confidence in our providers and staff. Scenic Rivers collaborates with Cook Hospital and Bigfork Valley Hospital to provide Critical Access Hospital services at its Cook and Bigfork Medical Clinics. Scenic Rivers Health Services strives to provide quality and compassionate care to every patient at every visit. We believe in the concept of patient centered care, where the patient is at the center of all aspects of their healthcare. We respect each patient’s unique needs, culture, personal values and preferences, and encourage patients to play an active role in their healthcare by embracing a team approach to patient care. Embracing the model of patient-centered care, the Minnesota Department of Health has certified our Bigfork, Cook, and Tower medical sites as Health Care Homes. This certification supports improved patient care by providing a team approach to care management. Scenic Rivers Health Services is a Community Health Center and Federally Qualified Health Center. We are an affirmative action equal opportunity employer and provider. We are funded in part by a grant from the Bureau of Primary Health Care.

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