
Hi, I'm Jorge Prince. I'm running to be re-elected as mayor of Bemidji. Our city government has an obligation to provide a safe, stable, and positive environment where everyone can have an opportunity to pursue their dreams and aspirations. This means finding community-based solutions for fixing issues in our city that affect everyone. We must keep moving Bemidji forward, together. When I first entered office, our city government was at odds with many parts of our community. From citizens who openly questioned whether their voice mattered; to entire communities who felt unheard; to members of our business and nonprofit communities believing that city government was not invested in their success; to our tribal and township neighbors being overlooked—I knew we had much work to do. Over the past four years, I have worked to be actively engaged and present across our entire community to bridge those gaps. Whether one-on-one with individual people, holding listening sessions with our business and nonprofit communities, or historic first-time council-to-council meetings with our neighboring tribal nations: relationship building has been at the core of my decision making. I have also been willing to challenge the status quo, make difficult decisions to move our city forward—including changes in the management of our city and event center. Through it all, I have made repairing and strengthening relationships between our city government and our community the highest of priorities. When I look to the future, I know it will take all of us working together to build the community we want for ourselves and our children. Progress is built on a foundation of mutual trust and positive relationships, for it is partnership and collaboration between people, organizations and government that drives us forward. We have both challenges and opportunities in front of us. From affordable housing shortages; to crime, poverty, and property tax concerns — the decisions made in the coming years will define the opportunities for everyone who calls Bemidji home. I am an optimist and believe that if we lean into our relationships, trust each other, and work together we can overcome these challenges and more!

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