Sacred Circle Health, Wellness, and Pole Fitness Pole dancing classes are designed for women of all ages, sizes, flexibility, and dance levels. Scan for more info An unforgettable bonding experience for the bride-to-be and her bridesmaids! It makes the perfect bachelorette party! Classes held at Boss Lady Fitness 1710 Paul Bunyan Dr. NW, Bemidji Text: Amanda Strand 701-200-0782 Sacred Circle Health , Wellness , and Pole Fitness Pole dancing classes are designed for women of all ages , sizes , flexibility , and dance levels . Scan for more info An unforgettable bonding experience for the bride - to - be and her bridesmaids ! It makes the perfect bachelorette party ! Classes held at Boss Lady Fitness 1710 Paul Bunyan Dr. NW , Bemidji Text : Amanda Strand 701-200-0782