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  • Published Date

    March 28, 2025
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Spring CD SPECIAL 12 Month CD 4.25% (APY) Annual Percentage Yield Ultima Bank MINNESOTA $1,000 minimum deposit to open. $1,000 minimum balance required to earn APY. No institutional deposits. Fees may reduce earnings. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal. Expires 4/7/2025. 800-421-2588 Winger Fosston Plummer Bemidji East Grand Forks Gary Spring CD SPECIAL 12 Month CD 4.25 % ( APY ) Annual Percentage Yield Ultima Bank MINNESOTA $ 1,000 minimum deposit to open . $ 1,000 minimum balance required to earn APY . No institutional deposits . Fees may reduce earnings . A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal . Expires 4/7/2025 . 800-421-2588 Winger Fosston Plummer Bemidji East Grand Forks Gary