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    June 24, 2022
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BIG BOG FESTIVAL SCHEDULE 2022 Friday, July 8 12-4:00p.m. NB Heritage Center-"CO-OP'S:100 Years" 5:30 p.m. 8:00-12 p.m. Saturday, July 9 8:00-9:00a.m. SK BOG TROT: -Paul Bunyan Park Pavilion- Supporting Child Abuse Prevention 8:00 a.m. 9-4:00p.m. 9-3:00p.m. 9:00a.m. 9:00a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10-12 Noon 10-3:00p.m. 11-5:00p.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Pig Roast Supper & Family Games in PB Park BAND at KLS: Kelliher Locals 1:00p.m. 2:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 3:00p.m. Youth Baseball Tourney-Kelliher Softball Fields North Beltrami Heritage Center-Exhibits Food and Flea Market FOOD by Shooks Homemakers-NB Community Center KICK BALL TOURNEY-Pfund park Arm Bands for Kids Games-On Sale Guided Big Bog Boardwalk Tour with Park Naturalist, Crista Drake Beltrami Electric Bucket Truck Rides CAR SHOW East of City Hall Children's Games & Other Games DUNKTANK LOG ROLLING LESSONS Beer Garden Tent Open-N of City Hall PARADE (Line Up 12 noon at Forestry) Brats & Dogs Kelliher Firemen PROAST BINGO: Outside under the BIGTOP WATER BALLOON TOSS LOG ROLLING CONTEST 8-12 Midnight Dance to Live Band-Smokehouse at KLS Sunday, July 10-Kelliher 9-11:00a.m. 12:00 Noon Wild Rice Pancake Breakfast at NB Community Center Registration: Com Hole Blind Draw Tournament-KLC Event Contacts: Youth Baseball-Steve Geerdes (218-766-2273) SK BogTrot-Crystal Schnurpel (830-305-0600),; Craft & Flea Market-Susan Golden Newman (218-553-1995); Car Show-Steve Moonen (218-760-1990),; Kick Ball Toumey-Derek Nistler @derek.; Log Rolling - Jay waldo; Parade - Pick up registration forms at City Hall, First State Bank, or Kelliher Thrift & Gift and return to City Hall by July 9-Diane Mostad (218-647-8728),; com Hole Tournament- Slayde Schnurpel (979-332-3342) BIG BOG FESTIVAL SCHEDULE 2022 Friday , July 8 12-4 : 00 p.m . NB Heritage Center- " CO - OP'S : 100 Years " 5:30 p.m. 8 : 00-12 p.m. Saturday , July 9 8 : 00-9 : 00 a.m . SK BOG TROT : -Paul Bunyan Park Pavilion Supporting Child Abuse Prevention 8:00 a.m. 9-4 : 00 p.m . 9-3 : 00 p.m . 9:00 a.m . 9:00 a.m . 9:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10-12 Noon 10-3 : 00 p.m . 11-5 : 00 p.m . 11:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Pig Roast Supper & Family Games in PB Park BAND at KLS : Kelliher Locals 1:00 p.m . 2:00 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m . Youth Baseball Tourney - Kelliher Softball Fields North Beltrami Heritage Center - Exhibits Food and Flea Market FOOD by Shooks Homemakers - NB Community Center KICK BALL TOURNEY - Pfund park Arm Bands for Kids Games - On Sale Guided Big Bog Boardwalk Tour with Park Naturalist , Crista Drake Beltrami Electric Bucket Truck Rides CAR SHOW East of City Hall Children's Games & Other Games DUNKTANK LOG ROLLING LESSONS Beer Garden Tent Open - N of City Hall PARADE ( Line Up 12 noon at Forestry ) Brats & Dogs Kelliher Firemen PROAST BINGO : Outside under the BIGTOP WATER BALLOON TOSS LOG ROLLING CONTEST 8-12 Midnight Dance to Live Band - Smokehouse at KLS Sunday , July 10 - Kelliher 9-11 : 00 a.m . 12:00 Noon Wild Rice Pancake Breakfast at NB Community Center Registration : Com Hole Blind Draw Tournament - KLC Event Contacts : Youth Baseball - Steve Geerdes ( 218-766-2273 ) SK BogTrot - Crystal Schnurpel ( 830-305-0600 ) , ; Craft & Flea Market - Susan Golden Newman ( 218-553-1995 ) ; Car Show - Steve Moonen ( 218-760-1990 ) , ; Kick Ball Toumey - Derek Nistler @derek . ; Log Rolling - Jay waldo @ waldo @ ; Parade - Pick up registration forms at City Hall , First State Bank , or Kelliher Thrift & Gift and return to City Hall by July 9 - Diane Mostad ( 218-647-8728 ) , ; com Hole Tournament- Slayde Schnurpel ( 979-332-3342 )