01737153r1 REHAB SERVICES . My mom is currently in the hospital and therapy staff are recommending a rehab stay at Neilson Place. What does this mean and what should she expect? Sara Daniels DPT . The Mulberry unit at Neilson Place is a short stay unit with the majority of residents participating in at least one therapy service. Our therapy department at Neilson Place provides Physical, Occupation, and Speech therapy. After arriving, your mom will be evaluated by each of the necessary disciplines to establish an individualized plan for meeting her goals and improving indepen- dence. The treatment time for each day is determined based on her needs and activity tolerance. On average, residents that are here for short stay rehab spend about 3-4 weeks in the facility. Physical ther- apy in this setting works primarily on improving strength, balance, endurance, and mobility. Occupation therapy will work on activities of daily living along with overall strength and mobility. Speech thera- py, if needed, will focus on deficits with swallowing, communication, and cognition. Our overall goal as an interdisciplinary team is to help each resident work towards regaining their prior level of function. Sanford Bemidji Rehab Services 1300 Anne Street NW Bemidji, MN 56601 (218) 333-5898 www.bemidji.sanfordhealth.org Bemidji