001745642r1 REHAB SERVICES . I'm not sure my father is still safe to drive. I've noticed several new scratches on his vehicle, but he insists he is doing fine. What can I do? Heidi DeWitt, OTR/L . While driving is very important and even represents independence to some people, the safety of our loved ones and others must come first. As we get older or suffer from disease or injury, our vision, strength, coordination, and cognition may be affected, which puts us at a greater risk for accidents. Our reflexes may also be slower and our judgment may be affected, add- ing to this greater risk. The Occupational Therapy Department at Sanford Bemidji Medical Center now offers a comprehensive driving evaluation program, including a behind-the-wheel evaluation, which may help your father. This program includes tests which measure such things as vision, reaction time, cognition, strength, and coordination. Following the above assessment, a behind-the-wheel evaluation will then be completed if the occupational therapist feels it is safe to do SO For further information or to schedule a driving evaluation for your- self or a loved one, speak with your physician about a driving evalua- tion referral to assess driving safety Sanford Bemidji Rehab Services 1300 Anne Street NW Bemidji, MN 56601 (218) 333-5898 www.bemidji.sanfordhealth.org D D. Bemidji