REHAB SERVICES Q: Why does the arthritis in my hands hurt worse in the colder weather and what can I do about it? A: The scientific community has had trouble Steven Holladay, OTR/L pinpointing and agreeing on exactly why cold weather makes arthritis feel so much worse. Some experts believe a decrease in barometric pressure causes tissues to expand, thereby lessening the already limited available space in arthritic joints. Other experts suggest that the synovial fluid in the joints is thickened when temperatures fall, resulting in stiffness and discomfort. There are likely many factors that intensify the painful bone-on-bone feeling in your hands during the winter months. Whatever the reason, this pain can usually be managed by heating up your hands. Remember to always use caution when applying heat, especially to areas with abnormal sensation. Here are a few great ways to warm up your hands and decrease your pain: 1) Exercise your hands by repetitively opening and closing your fingers 2) Wrap your hands in an electric heating pad 3) Dip your hands into paraffin wax 4) Heat your hands with warm water in a bowl, sink, bathtub, or in the shower 5) Make a rice bag to heat in the microwave by filling a sock with uncooked rice 6) Wear gloves when going outside on days with colder temperatures Sanford Bemidji Rehab Services 1300 Anne Street NW Bemidji, MN 56601 (218) 333-5898 SANFORD" TM Bemidji REHAB SERVICES Q: Why does the arthritis in my hands hurt worse in the colder weather and what can I do about it? A: The scientific community has had trouble Steven Holladay, OTR/L pinpointing and agreeing on exactly why cold weather makes arthritis feel so much worse. Some experts believe a decrease in barometric pressure causes tissues to expand, thereby lessening the already limited available space in arthritic joints. Other experts suggest that the synovial fluid in the joints is thickened when temperatures fall, resulting in stiffness and discomfort. There are likely many factors that intensify the painful bone-on-bone feeling in your hands during the winter months. Whatever the reason, this pain can usually be managed by heating up your hands. Remember to always use caution when applying heat, especially to areas with abnormal sensation. Here are a few great ways to warm up your hands and decrease your pain: 1) Exercise your hands by repetitively opening and closing your fingers 2) Wrap your hands in an electric heating pad 3) Dip your hands into paraffin wax 4) Heat your hands with warm water in a bowl, sink, bathtub, or in the shower 5) Make a rice bag to heat in the microwave by filling a sock with uncooked rice 6) Wear gloves when going outside on days with colder temperatures Sanford Bemidji Rehab Services 1300 Anne Street NW Bemidji, MN 56601 (218) 333-5898 SANFORD" TM Bemidji