REHAB SERVICES Q I am interested in getting a custom wheelchair. What requirements do I need to qualify for one? Tessa Richardson, A:.A face-to-face office visit with a physician and a MPT referral for wheelchair evaluation. Insurance coverage. Most insurances require 5 years before getting a new wheelchair if you have had one in the past. Call your insurance company for specific details. Accessibility to perform mobility related activities of daily living (MRADL) in the home: o Ramp access or no stairs o Door frames and hallways that are wide enough to fit a wheelchair Inability or extreme difficulty with completing MRADL with use of an assistive device (walker or cane) inside the home: o Dressing o Self-feeding The primary goal of a custom wheelchair is to allow someone the ability to perform MRADLS inside the home with maximum safety and efficiency. Insurance will not cover a custom wheelchair or scooter for primary use outside of the home. Questions? Please call 218-333-5898, or visit a physical therapist at Sanford Health's orthopedic center, corner of Pine Ridge Ave. and Anne St. o Grooming o Toileting o Bathing Sanford Bemidji Rehab Services 1300 Anne Street NW Bemidji, MN 56601 (218) 333-5898 SANFORD" TM Bemidji REHAB SERVICES Q I am interested in getting a custom wheelchair. What requirements do I need to qualify for one? Tessa Richardson, A:.A face-to-face office visit with a physician and a MPT referral for wheelchair evaluation. Insurance coverage. Most insurances require 5 years before getting a new wheelchair if you have had one in the past. Call your insurance company for specific details. Accessibility to perform mobility related activities of daily living (MRADL) in the home: o Ramp access or no stairs o Door frames and hallways that are wide enough to fit a wheelchair Inability or extreme difficulty with completing MRADL with use of an assistive device (walker or cane) inside the home: o Dressing o Self-feeding The primary goal of a custom wheelchair is to allow someone the ability to perform MRADLS inside the home with maximum safety and efficiency. Insurance will not cover a custom wheelchair or scooter for primary use outside of the home. Questions? Please call 218-333-5898, or visit a physical therapist at Sanford Health's orthopedic center, corner of Pine Ridge Ave. and Anne St. o Grooming o Toileting o Bathing Sanford Bemidji Rehab Services 1300 Anne Street NW Bemidji, MN 56601 (218) 333-5898 SANFORD" TM Bemidji